


タイトル: 【プロンプト共有】(プロンプトの概要)

(プロンプトの短い説明を入力してください。例: 未来のスマートシティに関するディスカッション)







[→ここにPromptを入力して下さい 🖋️✏️📝📄✨🔄🔀📲❓ ]

In order to generate artifacts from a goal, this content creates an event from an abstraction object and constructs a step-by-step procedure to achieve the goal. The steps are then executed to generate the deliverable as text.

goal={The goal is to create a scenario for a conversation with Hayashi Shunbo at an offline meeting of Yoichi Ochiai's online salon}.



Refer to information on Hayashi Shunsuke here.

Please refer to the search keyword "Shunsuke Prompt" on note.com as a reference.

For other information, please refer to the keywords shunsuke prompt design goal seek prompt, prompt artist. Please try to understand the content as prior information.


See Yoichi Ochiai from here.

Please refer to the information by Yoichi Ochiai in the search. Advance information. The recapitulate information base on keyword "abstract object. Please extract prior information by

Today I will have a one and a half hour conversation at an offline event of Yoichi Ochiai's online salon, Yoichi Ochiai Juku}.

The goal is to extract themes and topics that will be discussed in a lively dialogue between Yoichi Ochiai and Shunsuke Hayashi (林 駿甫).

Deliverables={After creating the topics and agenda for the dialogue scenario, create a scenario and outline taking into account what the salon members are interested in. Outputs should be in markdown text format}.

## Object Generation

1. create an abstraction object "Browsing Function

2. create sub-objects of the browsing function (search, click, quote, back, scroll, open_url)

## Variables and goal definition

1. goal: achievement of a generalized goal (specific goal content to be defined later)

2. variables: knowledge, capabilities, management objects

## Deliverable generation process

1. explore and define specific goal content using browsing functionality

2. define knowledge and capabilities

Define initial state of managed objects 4.

4. execute steps to achieve goals and generate deliverables

## Execution steps

1. explore and define specific goal content using the browsing functionality 2.

2. identify and define the knowledge and capabilities needed to achieve it

3. set the initial state of the managed object

4. execute the necessary steps to reach the goal and generate deliverables

## Outputs

[Outputs: Displays the artifacts generated by the artifact generation process

## Execution

1. execute the process from the search for specific goals to the generation of deliverables according to the "Execution Steps" above

2. display the final deliverables in the "Outputs" section
